Tuesday, March 26, 2013

YOLO! (You Only Live Once)

Hey Hey Hey!!!

Just got back from KL 2 days ago. It was AWESOME! Let's just say I keep holding on to the phrase "SHOP TIL YOU DROP" Get it? Haha. Yup. I did buy lots of stuff. All the stuff that I love. Although I didn't get to buy a new school bag but ehhh.. I'll buy it later when I've found one that suits my taste. That's cuz lots of my juniors are having the same magenta pink bag as mine! WARGH! XD haha..

Anyways, guess who I met at KL? 
Oh dear. I just couldn't believe my luck. It was an open concert so anyone could join it. Best gila! Yang mana minat Korean mesti jeles giler cuz I could watch 2NE1's live concert! haha. Tak de la. Biase-biase je pun.. The concert started at night till late midnight, in front of KLCC. But it was wseriously EPIC! Tak tau la macam mana kalau duduk KL. I would go to all of the concerts and parties I can! Walaoweyh! XD

Backstreet Boys (BSB)

Girls of 2NE1 :D

Other than that I guess I spent my time shopping...YEAH! Even the books I bought from Kinokuniya cost me couple hundred bucks. (Oh god. I don't even know what was I thinking that time!) I admit that I spent lots of money, my mom even said.. "Amboih! Banyak duit ang!" XD haha. Ya la, selalu rehat bawa bekal. Tak beli sangat pun~ Hehe. Tapi seriously syok gile tengok all the shoes, handbags and jewelleries on sale! OMAIGADDD XD (Gedik sebentar bersama Kit Kat--Seriously eating one right now!)

I just that's pretty much it. Kalau nak "huraikan" semua memang panjang lebar la. So sekerat-sekerat je cukup la kot. Hehe. Oh ya.. And another thing.. There are LOADS of HOT and CUTE guys in KL!! Walaoweyh. Haha! (Merapu sikit)

Alright guys. Gotta go now. Debate and Public Speaking speech still not done. Peace Out!


Berjaya Times Height -- AWESOME! 

The concert from across the lake. (View from Bigscreen) 

The best Strawberry flavoured FRO-YO! :D

Yeps. Mah new heels yah! XD

From Kinokuniya. They have the best books, NO LIE! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The load in my mind

Assalamualaikum and Hi... Salam Satu Malaysia (bcoz they always say that xD)

Ahh.. If you ask is being a Form 4 student awesome, I would say the OPPOSITE IF IT! What's the thing that sucks you say? Hmmm.. Where do I begin?

So all of the seniors were right. Form 4 isn't as easy as anyone thought. There's just too much pressure. Starting from the difficult subjects that we HAVE to study, till the extra curricular activities that I had to join cuz there's no other option. Serously, tak de pilihan lain dah sebab tahun depan kena fokus untuk SPM. Haishh... Cepatnye nak SPM dah. 

Firstly, I thought my life's gonna be even more fun because I joined more extra-curricular activities.. Tapi tak langsung! Now that one of my BFF is gone, I'm all alone. (sort off) I mean kadang-kadang tu tak la sangat sebab dalam kelas ramai kawan. Tapi kalau selain tu, I don't think I talked and socialize pretty often. Memang sedih giler dan sebak terasa di hati. (Dah la.. Malas nak cakap. Nanti menangis pulak!)

Btw, I decided to learn Mandarin (communication) because I thought learning a new language could benefit me in the future. So Michelle lah jadi my Mandarin Sensei xD (Sensei=cikgu) Still remember that I said I want to learn Japanese and there's a class that I'm gonna take at school? Well... IT'S EXTREMELY HARD! Memang serious susah giler. Tulisan dia dah la berbelit-belit. Kalau nak communicate tu boleh tahan la. Rasanya Korean is waaaayy easy! Tapi takkan nak belajar Korean pulak kut? Haish.. PENING! But I definitely am going to learn how to communicate in Mandarin. (Relaks la. Kat Malaysia tak ada Japanese pun xD)

Haish.. Dah dengan "konflik" tu, ada pulak Public Speaking 2 minggu lagi! OMG. I can't even decide what am I going to talk about yet! I just think there's quite lots of pressure sekarang ni. Dengan debate lagi kawad lagi. Tak tahu la ape lagi lepas ni..

Exam? I ain't talking about it at all! 

OK la. I think I gotta go now. Have to pick up dinner from the restaurant. Yes, I drive! :)  Assalamualaikum~
