Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feel like... CRYING?

Hi. It's Fiffy.

I just got back from school. Just now there was some kind of "gotong-royong" or whatever they call it. Hari ni kitorang dah dapat tau masuk kelas mana and so on. So I got a seat next to Dania, somewhere in the middle (LUCKY) But somehow, I feel quite "lonely". It's not that I don't have any friends cuz I do have plenty of them. But it seems like it isn't going to be as fun and exciting as last year anymore. There are 5 of us who had to be in separate classes and that really is sad.

Maybe it's because that I don't have my two best friends near me. Ika went away and unfortunately Husna and I aren't in the same class. So maybe that's why I feel quite lonely. Not to mention, condolence to Faiz because his best friend which happens to be Hafiz, isn't in the same class as him to. But Faiz is my classmate for THE REST OF 2013!!! (We've been classmates since 3 years ago)

The other "tragic" thing is that our class is kind of ISOLATED. Everyone's classes are like at Block D and ours is at Block E. Serious sedih gila. Rasa terpinggir balik macam masa Form 1 and Form 2 dulu. Husna dapat kelas bawah. Meja kerusi semua baru.. Syok la dia. Haha. Anyway, those stuff doesn't bother me at all. The thing is that, I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy my 2013...

Btw, I'm RECONSIDERING the boarding school if I get it. WISH ME LUCK!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Awful Dilemma !

Dear.. (whoever is reading this),

I'm in such a terrible dilemma. The time is currently about 2.30 in the morning and I should probably go to bed now. If my mom somehow catch me, still awake at this time, she'll surely punch me in the face till I look like a Chinese! (Not being racist. Just a joke from my friend) There's actually one problem that's stuck in my mind right now.

It's more accurately to be said as a DILEMMA! Actually, I've been longing to go to boarding school since I was 12, which is about 3 years ago. I can't help it that I'm so jealous to see those "boarding school-ers" having an awesome time with their friends tak kira lah in studies or just "aktiviti-aktiviti santai." The thing is, I want to be part of them too.

But...on the other hand, I don't want to leave my friends here, in my current school. It's been three years since I first get in this school and I've made friends with some awesome and very interesting people, here. So, takkan la nak cabut macam tu je kan? I'm very sure that I'll miss my buddies a lot and I probably be homesick kalau pergi SBP (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) And they might miss me too (harap-harap la). And then, bukannya senang nak say "bye-bye" to Public Speaking competition that I had participated in, for 2 years. dah la next year ada debate lagi. Haish, susah la macam ni.

But then something came to my mind, "Do my friends really going to miss me if I'm gone?" -- "Ada perubahan ke kalau aku keluar sekolah tu? Rasanya diorang lagi seronok kot?" And all sort off negative thoughts just like popped in my mind. So, that's why I'm in an awful dilemma right now. I don't know what to do. Kalau tak dapat SBP, senang la sikit nak buat decision sebab memang tak boleh pergi mana-mana pun, although.. my heart is going to shatter into pieces and I'll probably run out of tears due to crying, weeping, sobbing, etc.



Friday, December 21, 2012

Mini-dream come true!

Hey yo ! Of course it's me, Fiffy

Guess what day was yesterday? It was actually hari keluar result PMR! To be honest, hours before that memang nervous ya amat! I just kept thinking like.. "What if I got a B?" and all sorts of negative stuff. Biase la. Memang semua candidates pun macam tu.

Anyways, I was really overjoyed, and STILL overjoyed that I got straight As for PMR. Deep down, I don't demand for anything else as presents but only appreciation and compliments from my parents. (Ayat agak pasrah) Tapi my parents nak bagi juga, so accept je la kan. HEHE.

Firstly, I thought the results will be announced around 11 AM so I was just like, bersiap lambat-lambat, sikat rambut lambat-lambat and all that. Right after I wore my clothes, suddenly I got a call from one of my bestie's mom, saying that they're about to announce the result already and I'M STILL IN MY ROOM! Panic jugak la lepas tu, so I rush downstairs and terus masuk kereta. tak sempat nak breakfast pun (lapar gila)

Sampai je dekat sekolah, Fiffy terus masuk dewan. belum sempat nak duduk, my name was called. I was like OMG! Syukur alhamdulillah la dapat straight As. After all of the names are called, which is a total of 31 names, the others had to pick up their results at certain counters at the back of the hall. (Only straight A students je dipanggil) *bangga 5 minit* XD Then, I saw my friends and we were so, ver, extremely happy sebab most of us got straight As. Some of them are Dania, Prishanth, Areena, Vincent and Faiz. (they're some of my besties) The others tu dapat result ok juga, tak teruk pun.That's why I'm happy 

So here's some pics that I cherish the most :)

Me and my beloved mummy

Vincent and I. The happily ever after couple

From the left : Dania, Areena and Me. POWERPUFF GIRLS ! xD

Sweet victory :)

All of my besties! :D

That's all for now. Bye!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fashion O' Fashion

Clothes, shoes, jewelleries... AHH... They're all women's best friends, eh?

I admit that I'm a fashion lover. I love buying all sorts of clothes and especially shoes. I just don't know why I'm attracted to them. Hehe. One year ago, I wasn't a big fan of heels, stilettos and such. But there was a particular day when my father advised me to wear heels instead of flats which is more favorable to me, because I am so short. (bummer) Firstly I was like, "Wah, sedapnya kutuk orang," but then when I rethink of it, I think my father got a point. So, I started buying heels and now, I'm quite obsessed with them. Haha!

Tapi, to be honest, I don't really know how to "style up" ,you know what I mean?  Fiffy ade seorang kawan ni (she's an Iraqi) who have a quite good sense of fashion and also a senior yang pandai "mengstyle-kan dirinya" (It's a HE) :) So, I kind of learn from them la sedikit sebanyak. I personally love pastel colors including warm pink, which is my faourite. Last week, I bought two dresses and a laced sweater which I really loveeee! Both are in pink! Nak panggil Fiffy ni "pinky girl" ke "mabuk pink" ke ape ke, panggil lah, tak kisah pun.

And also, I have a pair of boots yang memang bagi Fiffy, nampak cool and a little extraordinary sebab tak ramai orang suka pakai boots. Yeah I admit that wearing them could feel hot and sweaty sometimes but I love the beige-colored boots! (I bought them in Hong Kong) Hehe. But there's one thing that I kind of hate, that is... TRYING THEM! Of course whenever we want to buy new clothes or shoes, we gotta try'em on first, to make sure it fits, right? Tapi itulah part yang paling Fiffy tak suke. I mean, malas la nak pergi dekat fitting room to and change my outfits and all. Kalau nak kena tunggu queue, lagi la bertambah menyampah! Same goes to trying on shoes.. Kena tunggu salesperson tu ambil kan kasut tu..haih, malasnya nak tunggu.

Actually, tonight I just finished watching a reality show on TV called, Safiyya. It airs every Sunday, 9 PM on TV9 and it has been kind of like  "a must" for me to watch it because it shows some quite awesome and modern styles, specially for Muslimah and Hijabistas like me. Tapi selalu geram gila tengok diorang pakai tudung lawa-lawa. Fiffy sikit pun tak tahu nak pakai tudung belit-belit macam diorang. So.. that's why I wrote this in my blog. Haha! Alright then, gotta go. Bye!


Pastel colors by Pastelinas. Oh, lawanya! :D

Bright colors. How cheerful

 9-10 PM

Friday, December 14, 2012

Why is it so hard?

Ha.....  *sighing*

Why is it so hard to lose weight and be tall?
In my opinion, one of the most vital secret to lose weight is discipline, which frankly I am lack of. I mean seriously, we gotta be more discipline in our diet and work out plans right? Yang ni, lepas habis exercise, melantak tak ingat dunia. Bila dah habis makan, baru teringat nak menyesal.

Actually I was skinny before (aceh) when I was in primary school. But then, somehow when I stepped into my secondary school years, I started to eat a lot. It's like I couldn't cotrol myself. I still remember that whenever I was feeling down, I would rush to the fridge and find something to eat. (Sekarang pun buat jugak, kadang-kadang)  Maybe because I was under so much pressure in being a secondary school student. Mother kept warning me that I would put on weight and look as fat as a pig if I keep on my habit. But I was a stubborn girl before and every time she said that, I would reply "Mom! It's ok. Makan sikit je pun. Tak kan lah nak gemuk"

Sekarang barulah nak menyesal, menangis tak berlagu. Another problem that I'm facing with right now is HEIGHT PROBLEM ! ! ! My friends usually tease me because of my "shortness" as well as my father! I wouldn't give a damn if they teased me but sometimes, deep down, I feel down because honestly, I am the shortest among my friends. Even junior-junior pun ramai lagi tinggi.

Kalaulah dapat kurus and tinggi macam Asia's Next Top Models tu kan best? (Cewah. Berangan lebih!) OK. I think from now on, I will try to be more discipline.



Asia's Next Top Model. Look at their spidery-long legs! I love Jessica and Helena though

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Love for Japanese !

Konnichi wa! Watashi wa Fiffy desu!
(Hello. My name is Fiffy)-Japanese

Hey hey hey. It's Fiffy here. I'm ACTUALLY blogging from my parents room. Can you guys believe that? Haha. (I bet people don't even give a damn) My feet are freezing cold. You wanna know why I'm posting tonight?

Actually I just want to talk about my new passion. It's Japanese! My lil sister likes Korean and all those KPOP artists and celebs but it's different when it comes to me. I just like the Japanese, its culture, the fashion sense and of course the language. To me, it sounds so cute, the way they pronounce it and all. I also fancy their "habit" or "tradition" (or whatever they call it) of BOWING in front of their guest in terms of respect. It shows that they're polite and they respect people, which is an attitude, WE 'MALAYSIANS' are lacking of.

I like to watch Japanese drama than the Korean because Korean dramas are more modern in certain ways. But, there is one Korean drama that I'm totally obsessed with for the time being which is Cinderella's Stepsister! (Astro HD Channel 392) The story behind all this admiration for Japanese started about few months ago, during the muslim's fasting month. Kan muslims kene bangun awal untuk sahur? So, lepas sahur tu, Fiffy tak tahu nak buat ape. So then I decided to search for any "romantic" drama in YouTube. And then terjumpe lah satu drama ni which is The Sky of Love or in Japanese they say it as Koizora. Lepas satu,satu episod Fiffy tengok so then I fell in love with it. Serious best! (bagi girls yang minat drama romantic la) Memang sedih sangat tengok drama tu and I admit that there were streams of tears flowing from my eyes. HAHA!

And so after that, I keep on browsing for more dramas such as the previous one, mane lah tahu kalau ade drama best-best lagi, kan? And I found the second which is "I give my first love to you" So this drama pun Fiffy dah tengok sampai habis, part by part. Memang teramatlah sedih!

So, sambil-sambil tengok drama-drama ni, I "accidently" admired their fascinating language. So, I Google some Japanese words yang commonly used and tried to memorise some of them. Ala.. daripade tak buat ape-ape cuti sekolah ni, ade jugak bende yang bergune boleh buat kan?

This is "Sky of Love" or Koizora. The first Japanese drama I ever watched and it was truly  romantic  and amazing. MUST WATCH!

This is the second Japanese drama I watched and is also romantic plus super sad. Get a box of tissues if you're watching

This is a scene from "I give my first love to you" The first time the couple met 

This would be the KOREAN drama that I'm currently obsessed with . Even my  friend loves it.. and  it's a HE !  Plus Taechyeon (first guy from the left, is so cute!)

I guess that's all for now. Bye Earthlings!

Fiffy :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Husna!

Happy birthday to you,
You live in a zoo,
You look like a monkey,
And you smell like one too! 


Hahaha. I really love to sing this hilariously disturbing song whenever my best friends are celebrating their birthday. I learnt it from Madagascar I guess :)

Anyways, Husna punye birthday actually December 4th, tapi Fiffy bagi hadiah dekat die on the  next day which was Dec 5th. Ala... Tak salah pun kalau bagi hadiah, belated sikit kan? :D I bought her a nice, peach-pastel colored, sling bag and I'm 100% sure that she loves it..because I love it too. Hehe (taste kitorang lebih kurang) Actually Husna's mom brought us to Sunway Carnival (a boring shopping place) on the same day. Kitorang ingat nak tengok wayang tapi "mase mencemburui" kitorang so, tak jadilah nampaknye. Haha. Anyway, kitorang just jalan-jalan with our two other MOST MISCHIEVOUS friends who happen to be Hafiz and Faiz. Honestly, best gile jalan ngan dua orang ni. But, of course it would be better if the rest are here iaitu Dania, Prishanth, Areena, Ika and perhaps Raihan too. 

Tapi I did something OBVIOUSLY STUPID which then adversely affected me... that is wearing HEELS! Alahai.. bodohnye lah rase. Dah tahu nak pergi jalan banyak-banyak, pegi pakai heels tu buat ape? (tapi sebenarnye kelam kabut sikit pagi tu) So, my feet hurt real bad until I have to buy need pair of flats. Tapi tak rugi sepenuhnye sebab I bought VINCCI'S!! Fiffy nampak 50% so ape tunggu lagi? Redah je lah! Hehehe. Kalau nak dekat year-end-sale nanti lagi la best! (tak sedar yang diri tu dah "broke") Haha.

So, itu je la. Kitorang just pegi jalan-jalan sampai sakit kaki tapi tak buat atau beli ape pun. But I never regret spending even a second of my time with my friends. Although it turned out, not as I planned. So, I just hope that in the future boleh pegi jalan-jalan lagi but maybe this time somewhere yang best sikit and the rest of my buddies can come with.

Okay then. Gotta go now. Bye!