Dear diary,
Today, October 15th, is the day where MOST of the Form 3
students will say RIP to PMR. Don’t tell me what PMR is alright? But in case
you do not know what it is, it’s actually an “unnecessary” exam for all 15-year-old Malaysians. Seriously I meanshould
they really be making such a huge issue about global warming and struggling on
thinking ways on how to sustain the Earth when they are actually wasting tonnes
of papers on this exam? No, this is not a joke. We’ll just be losing more and
more trees if this keeps on going. (which it will) But it will eventually stop
because now the government have a new and “improved” way of evaluating the
secondary school students, which is through a “thingy” called PBS. I can’t
really understand how it works and absolutely don’t give a damn. No offense
though J
Well, back to what I wanted to say now. I came home today,
grinning from ear to ear and was on cloud nine. But I don’t really know exactly
why I still don’t feel the “joy” you get it? Anyway, did I mentioned about my
friends and I who went to have lunch at KFC? Yeah we did. Even though we still
have one last paper to go which is KHB, we felt quite happy walking together
and enjoying the meal which includes laughs of joy. My girl friends who joined
me were Ika, Dania, Husna and Areena. It was quite amazing. We did plan on
going to spend our weekend in Penang too, though. Perhaps go for a movie, have
lunch and dinner and maybe go roller-skating too. (I waste most of my time
falling though.
I will definitely come to school tomorrow. Dania told us
that she was going to bring a cake and some drinks just for a “minor”
celebration. (It’s gonna get noisy) haha! I bet you that we’re going to get
scold by a teacher but guess what, who gives a damn? J but unfortunate for a friend
of mine, Prishanth because he still have
his last paper tomorrow but it’s going to end early. And he’s quite sick so he
can’t get CRAZY as he always was. Hahaha! Dear diary, I wonder what will all of
us be doing tomorrow. I don’t doubt that tomorrow’s absentees are going to be
numerous. I heard most of my friends who planned, not to come to school
tomorrow to express their rebellion or something but honestly, I think being in
school is way better where you can chat with friends and laugh all day long,
rather than being alone in front of your TV or laptop at home.
To be honest, there are A LOT of stuff that I’ve been
thinking to do after this exam, WAY before it even starts. But now, there are
just too much going on in my head that I can’t even choose what my heart
desires. But I think I will gradually start on the things that I planned to do
for the next few days. Perhaps we all JUST FINISHED the bloody PMR and this
freedom is still kind of awkward. Especially for a “friend” of mine which I ain’t
going to mention. Actually I’m writing to you right now at 12 in the morning
and I feel quite sleepy. But then my mind told me that i might be a waste to
sleep early because my friends are probably enjoying their freedom right now.
Hahaha! No more burning the midnight oil (for this year) I think I’m going to
just talk with my BFF tomorrow and just finish my Harry Potter book Vol.2 –I can’t
read much because I have exams! Daa!!
Stop with the laughs or giggles or whatever you’re probably be doing
right now!
I think that’s all I can write to you right now, dear diary.
I just don’t know what else to say. I promise you that I will keep up to date
more often from now on. Have a sweet dream!
Fiffy XXX